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ALL POSTS - If read in order it's a story.

August 12, 2016

Snow White

My hair is dark, my skin is very fair and I just gave an old woman an apple. Red Delicious, the perfect storybook kind, forget that it came from 7-11. I also gave her seven cans of dog food, one for each dwarf. Though she only had one, a Maltese, the same breed of dog as Spikey, my little boy dog in Heaven. And from Heaven he approved. Partly, he said, because Isabel, the little dog I still have, is fat. She's actually just kind of round. He exaggerates.

At 7-11 I also bought the old lady a can opener. I asked and she didn't own one. I felt bad that I forgot to bring a bowl for the food but she'll figure something out. If she's homeless she must be resourceful. Especially if she's an evil queen.

Who's giving it to whom?

She didn't thank me for any of this. She just sat on the side walk in front of New Japan restaurant with her dwarf in her lap, but she received the gifts graciously. I told her where the senior center is. It's a bad '60s design like much of West LA and looks like an ugly little cottage. They serve meals at the center to the elderly. She asked me a couple questions so she could be sure to find it.

Then I went home and looked in the ornate oval mirror that I inherited from my grandmother. Then I lay down. I always want to sleep these days.

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